Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kelp end the practice of pork soup

Often eat a lot of minerals and iodine containing seaweed products, for good health.

Pork loin 50g

Kelp knot 50g

Half a soft tofu

Salt 1 teaspoon (5g)

Starch 1 teaspoon (5g)

Onions, ginger and 1 teaspoon (5g)

Sesame oil (oil products) 1 teaspoon (5ml)

1 bowl of soup (250ml)

The kelp knot soaked, drain; soft tofu cubes; onions washed mince; ginger, peeled and shred. Wash the pork tenderloin, cut into shreds in a bowl and add salt and starch mix marinate for 10 minutes to spare. Into the pot of boiling broth

Open end into the seaweed, tofu and ginger and bring to boil, add salt and cooked pork and silk flame, Drizzle sesame oil, sprinkle with spring onion, can be sung out.

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