Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sichuan recipes | peanuts Dendrobium

Raw material

Peanuts 250 grams, Dendrobium 25 grams, 3 grams of salt, star anise 1.5 g, kaempferol 1.5 g

Production process

1 Wash the Dendrobium, into about 1 cm long section;

(2) remove the rotten peanut particles, wash and drain;

3 the amount of water into the pot, add salt, spices, until the salt dissolves, pour peanuts, while Dendrobium wok, set on high heat after boiling, go to the stew simmer for 1 hour, until cooked peanuts through transfer to a plate and serve.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fujian cuisine recipes | Crispy fish roll

Production of materials

Ingredients: grass carp (300 grams)

Accessories: fat fat meat (50 g) bamboo shoots (50 g) mushrooms (fresh) (50 g) duck egg (70 grams) of wheat flour (30 grams) dried tofu (100 grams)

Spices: onion (60 g) ginger (15 grams) of salt (4 g) wine (10 grams) MSG (2 grams) pepper (2 g) peanut oil (50 grams)

Production process

1 grass carp slaughter, to the scales, internal organs, take the net meat pieces cut 5 cm long, thickness of chopsticks;

2 fat fat fillet into 5 cm filament;

3 bamboo shoots slashing the skin, wash, cut 5 cm filament;

4 mushroom stalks, wash, cut 5 cm filament;

5 green onions and ginger take the light blue cut 5 cm filament;

6 of grass carp, fat fat pork, bamboo shoots silk, mushrooms with salt, cooking wine, MSG seasoning;

7 Peel 6 cm square dried tofu 12;

8 egg and flour into the egg batter;

9 each coated with egg batter dried tofu, wrapped in a few silk, silk bamboo shoots, mushrooms, fat fat wire, spring onion and ginger, rolled into 12 volumes;

10 pot set the fire, into the peanut oil into a hot burning five, will be involved in the pot golden yellow picked up;

11 Oil temperature Qicheng hot fried once again picked up, presentation, coupled with parsley and serve.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Shandong cuisine recipes | duck gourd Eight


Juicy, Ap 1, 50 g water, sea cucumber, squid 50 g of water, fat, water, fat pig tendons, 50 grams of scallops 50 grams, 25 grams water, mushrooms, bamboo shoots 25 grams, ham 25 grams, 25 grams fat good seeds , rice 25 grams, ginger, 2 grams, 1 egg, scallion 20 grams, ginger 20 grams, wet starch 10 grams.


1, will initially be processed, Ap, with the whole boned duck off the bone, keep intact, wash stand.

2, sea cucumber, squid, tendons, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, ham, are cut into the snow Motif, open water hot look, torn into small pieces of rotten steamed scallops, steamed lotus rotten; half-cooked glutinous rice steamed fish out, drain to the water, take a basin, into a variety of ingredients, add salt 3 grams MSG 1 gram, cooking wine 2 grams of ginger 2 grams of lard and egg, Ban Cheng Eight filling spare.

3, duck wings from the abdominal cavity will pull to the inside, filling half filled, and half to go into the duck head, the mouth with gauze to Zhazhu, and then on from the wings into a small pinch at the great gourd-shaped. Labeled with gauze waist part of the slipknot, Zhazhu.

4, the gourd has been formed a little duck dip in boiling water pot, remove and wipe dry water. The caramel-opening, evenly wipe the body in the duck again.

5, put each on a pan, insertion of peanut oil, burning Bacheng hot, put Eight duck, deep fry until golden yellow, persimmon, the solution to the gauze.

6, the duck on the back plate, add spring onion, ginger, salt 4 grams of MSG 1 gram, 3 grams cooking wine and soy sauce, cage steam Sulan, remove pick onions, ginger. Decanter into the soup pot, boil water hook into the gravy, down into the clear oil, pour in the pot duck who Serve.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Zhejiang cuisine recipes | fried Sibao

Ingredients: chicken breast 400 grams, 50 grams net chicken gizzard, boned duck, 50 grams, 50 grams net belly tip.

Accessories: 25 g cooked ham, shrimp paste 50 grams of cooked bamboo shoots 25 grams, 15 grams water, mushrooms, green leaves 15 grams of egg white 1 / 4. Wet starch 25 grams, broth 750 grams, 500 grams of lard (fuel consumption of 60 grams), large light blue 2 grams of salt 3 grams, monosodium glutamate 2.5 grams, Shao liquor 25 grams.

Production process

Tip the belly, chicken breast pieces are Generative comb, with salt 0.5 grams, Shao liquor 1 g mix, wet starch, 5 g sizing, ham Qiema saddle piece stand. Heat wok set the fire, under the lard, Zhi Sicheng hot (about 88 ℃), the tip of the belly, chicken pieces, chicken gizzards, shrimp with wok, scattered to draw cooked, pour into a colander to drain the oil, the original pot to stay a little oil, soy pan into the light blue, the next duck, ham, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and broth into the rice wine 5 grams, plus salt 1 g, boiling, add MSG, wet starch 15 grams with a thin hook thickening, immediately tip into the belly, chicken gizzard, chicken pieces, shrimp, vegetables and other materials, turning Britain wok, pour lard 25 grams, to promote uniform pan plate and serve.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hunan recipes | Dongan chicken


A tender capon, ginger 25 grams, equivalent grams of red pepper, broth, 100 grams, rice vinegar 50 grams, Shao liquor 10 grams, monosodium glutamate 1 g, 100 g oil, pepper, 2 grams, 5 grams pepper gray

Production methods:

1, first slaughtered chicken, set aside in addition to feathers, straw burnt to the net with a small dry hair, food in bags next to the cut chicken, pulled out food bags, cut the chicken's anus 4.5 cm mouth, pulled out a visceral, clean water.

2, the net into the soup pot and cook the chicken for about 10 minutes, up to seven mature fish, chop block, head, neck, paws for its use, chicken retained.

3, the ginger, peeled, washed, cut into 4 cm long, 1.5 cm thick filaments, after the red pepper strips. Crush pepper fry.

4, Wok stir, add the oil, eight hot under the ginger, red pepper, vinegar and pepper and stir-fry on the late fall, the smell, and then pour chicken, fire boil, Dongan chicken stew in the fire about 1 minute, drying time to soup, pour chicken broth, to change the fire, turned a few spoon, 2-5 minutes to open after the stew, add pepper, turn a few like, plate and serve.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Slices Recipe | Fried Chicken leavened


Chicken 750 g


Pepper (green, tip) 25 grams


Garlic (white) 25 grams soy sauce 50 grams of vinegar 30 g sugar 35 g lard (refining) 60 grams of starch (pea) 30 g

Production process:

1 to the hair after the first chicken slaughtered, eviscerated, esophagus and trachea, leaving the gizzard, liver, washed, picked off the big bone, chopped into 3 cm square pieces, gizzard and liver cut into small pieces;

2 Take 15 grams of soy sauce, wet starch 40 grams (starch 25 gram of water) with chicken, gizzard, liver and mixing;

3 green pepper slices, garlic smash;

4 get 35 grams of soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, wet starch 10 grams (starch 5 gram of water) were transferred into a marinade.

5 on the wok, stir, pour lard;

6 till the Qicheng hot the chicken, gizzards, liver and fry until golden brown pot when the fish;

7 until the oil till Bacheng hot, and then re-fry until golden brown pot, pour into a colander to drain the oil;

8 In the original pan put garlic in remaining oil, green pepper stir-fry until fragrant;

9 Pour the marinade to boil, then chicken, gizzards, liver into;

10 wok Dianfan down, pour 10 grams of lard Serve.

Production Tips

This product has been frying process, the need to prepare about 750 grams of lard.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Cantonese recipes | white jade

Ingredients: chicken breast, bean sprouts half a catty, rape several trees.

Marinade: salt, wine, starch.

Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate.

Production process

(1) chicken strips, add marinade and marinate for 20 minutes.

(2) bean sprouts to the head and tail, cut back on the rape.

(3) oil shredded pork, bean sprouts and sauce into the stir fry, after dishing out.

(4) rape into the boiling water in hot, remove and sprinkle a little salt and oil, bean sprouts on the outer ring can be.

Evans tofu

Ingredients: Tofu (450 grams)

Accessories: winter bamboo shoots (10 grams) of chicken breast meat (50 grams) ham (25 g) mushrooms (fresh) (25 grams) of lettuce (15 grams)

Seasoning: Salt (4 grams) MSG (3 grams)

Production methods:

1 will be trimmed away the old skin tofu, cut into filaments, yellow water with boiling water and beans to smell;

(2) the mushroom stalks, washed, cut into filaments;

3 bamboo shoots, peeled, washed, cooked, cut into filaments;

4 chicken breasts, rinse with water, cooked, cut into filaments;

5 cooked ham cut into filaments;

6 lettuce leaves choose clean, boiled water, cooked, cut into filaments;

7 mushrooms into the bowl, add chicken broth 50 ml, cage steam cooked;

8 to set the fire pan, ladle into boiling chicken broth 200 ml, put mushrooms, bamboo shoots silk, silk ham, chicken, cabbage leaves silk, add boiling salt, Sheng soup with added MSG;

9 In another pan on the fire, and ladle into the chicken broth, 500 ml, boiling tofu into silk, silk tofu floating on the soup to be, that is poured into a bowl with a colander picked up within and serve.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rice the staple food | sesame biscuits


Powder, 500 grams, sesame 75 grams, 50 grams sesame seeds.


Sesame oil 50 grams, flower salt and pepper, the base surface, the little leaven.


1 flour into bowl, add leaven and water 250 grams and into the dough, place on a warm fermentation, into a soft yeast dough. Rub evenly kneading of light alkali reserve.

(2) the sesame paste in a bowl, add sesame oil, stirring with chopsticks negligent into a thin paste.

3 cases on the dough, rub strips, roll with a rolling stick large growth side, the sesame paste evenly wipe the surface chip, sprinkle a little salt and pepper flowers, rolled from one end of the growing volume form, and then pulling into 10 sub-agents. And then one by one to two sub-agents run slowly recovered at the end of the first pinch, according to flat about 6 cm in diameter small round cake.

4 cakes, spread your water, wipe back and forth repeatedly, until the dough to the pulp, the Executive flip the cake tray filled sesame sesame sticky uniform, on the baking sheet into the oven in about 15 minutes, until baked yellow cake Serve baked.