Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fujian cuisine recipes | Crispy fish roll

Production of materials

Ingredients: grass carp (300 grams)

Accessories: fat fat meat (50 g) bamboo shoots (50 g) mushrooms (fresh) (50 g) duck egg (70 grams) of wheat flour (30 grams) dried tofu (100 grams)

Spices: onion (60 g) ginger (15 grams) of salt (4 g) wine (10 grams) MSG (2 grams) pepper (2 g) peanut oil (50 grams)

Production process

1 grass carp slaughter, to the scales, internal organs, take the net meat pieces cut 5 cm long, thickness of chopsticks;

2 fat fat fillet into 5 cm filament;

3 bamboo shoots slashing the skin, wash, cut 5 cm filament;

4 mushroom stalks, wash, cut 5 cm filament;

5 green onions and ginger take the light blue cut 5 cm filament;

6 of grass carp, fat fat pork, bamboo shoots silk, mushrooms with salt, cooking wine, MSG seasoning;

7 Peel 6 cm square dried tofu 12;

8 egg and flour into the egg batter;

9 each coated with egg batter dried tofu, wrapped in a few silk, silk bamboo shoots, mushrooms, fat fat wire, spring onion and ginger, rolled into 12 volumes;

10 pot set the fire, into the peanut oil into a hot burning five, will be involved in the pot golden yellow picked up;

11 Oil temperature Qicheng hot fried once again picked up, presentation, coupled with parsley and serve.

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