Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Slices Recipe | Fried Chicken leavened


Chicken 750 g


Pepper (green, tip) 25 grams


Garlic (white) 25 grams soy sauce 50 grams of vinegar 30 g sugar 35 g lard (refining) 60 grams of starch (pea) 30 g

Production process:

1 to the hair after the first chicken slaughtered, eviscerated, esophagus and trachea, leaving the gizzard, liver, washed, picked off the big bone, chopped into 3 cm square pieces, gizzard and liver cut into small pieces;

2 Take 15 grams of soy sauce, wet starch 40 grams (starch 25 gram of water) with chicken, gizzard, liver and mixing;

3 green pepper slices, garlic smash;

4 get 35 grams of soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, wet starch 10 grams (starch 5 gram of water) were transferred into a marinade.

5 on the wok, stir, pour lard;

6 till the Qicheng hot the chicken, gizzards, liver and fry until golden brown pot when the fish;

7 until the oil till Bacheng hot, and then re-fry until golden brown pot, pour into a colander to drain the oil;

8 In the original pan put garlic in remaining oil, green pepper stir-fry until fragrant;

9 Pour the marinade to boil, then chicken, gizzards, liver into;

10 wok Dianfan down, pour 10 grams of lard Serve.

Production Tips

This product has been frying process, the need to prepare about 750 grams of lard.

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