Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rice the staple food | sesame biscuits


Powder, 500 grams, sesame 75 grams, 50 grams sesame seeds.


Sesame oil 50 grams, flower salt and pepper, the base surface, the little leaven.


1 flour into bowl, add leaven and water 250 grams and into the dough, place on a warm fermentation, into a soft yeast dough. Rub evenly kneading of light alkali reserve.

(2) the sesame paste in a bowl, add sesame oil, stirring with chopsticks negligent into a thin paste.

3 cases on the dough, rub strips, roll with a rolling stick large growth side, the sesame paste evenly wipe the surface chip, sprinkle a little salt and pepper flowers, rolled from one end of the growing volume form, and then pulling into 10 sub-agents. And then one by one to two sub-agents run slowly recovered at the end of the first pinch, according to flat about 6 cm in diameter small round cake.

4 cakes, spread your water, wipe back and forth repeatedly, until the dough to the pulp, the Executive flip the cake tray filled sesame sesame sticky uniform, on the baking sheet into the oven in about 15 minutes, until baked yellow cake Serve baked.

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