Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hunan recipes | Dongan chicken


A tender capon, ginger 25 grams, equivalent grams of red pepper, broth, 100 grams, rice vinegar 50 grams, Shao liquor 10 grams, monosodium glutamate 1 g, 100 g oil, pepper, 2 grams, 5 grams pepper gray

Production methods:

1, first slaughtered chicken, set aside in addition to feathers, straw burnt to the net with a small dry hair, food in bags next to the cut chicken, pulled out food bags, cut the chicken's anus 4.5 cm mouth, pulled out a visceral, clean water.

2, the net into the soup pot and cook the chicken for about 10 minutes, up to seven mature fish, chop block, head, neck, paws for its use, chicken retained.

3, the ginger, peeled, washed, cut into 4 cm long, 1.5 cm thick filaments, after the red pepper strips. Crush pepper fry.

4, Wok stir, add the oil, eight hot under the ginger, red pepper, vinegar and pepper and stir-fry on the late fall, the smell, and then pour chicken, fire boil, Dongan chicken stew in the fire about 1 minute, drying time to soup, pour chicken broth, to change the fire, turned a few spoon, 2-5 minutes to open after the stew, add pepper, turn a few like, plate and serve.

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