Monday, October 24, 2011

Evans tofu

Ingredients: Tofu (450 grams)

Accessories: winter bamboo shoots (10 grams) of chicken breast meat (50 grams) ham (25 g) mushrooms (fresh) (25 grams) of lettuce (15 grams)

Seasoning: Salt (4 grams) MSG (3 grams)

Production methods:

1 will be trimmed away the old skin tofu, cut into filaments, yellow water with boiling water and beans to smell;

(2) the mushroom stalks, washed, cut into filaments;

3 bamboo shoots, peeled, washed, cooked, cut into filaments;

4 chicken breasts, rinse with water, cooked, cut into filaments;

5 cooked ham cut into filaments;

6 lettuce leaves choose clean, boiled water, cooked, cut into filaments;

7 mushrooms into the bowl, add chicken broth 50 ml, cage steam cooked;

8 to set the fire pan, ladle into boiling chicken broth 200 ml, put mushrooms, bamboo shoots silk, silk ham, chicken, cabbage leaves silk, add boiling salt, Sheng soup with added MSG;

9 In another pan on the fire, and ladle into the chicken broth, 500 ml, boiling tofu into silk, silk tofu floating on the soup to be, that is poured into a bowl with a colander picked up within and serve.

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