Monday, November 14, 2011

Jiangsu cuisine recipes | fish, sheep, Tibetan side

Raw material

Secluded lamb 750 grams, live carp 500 grams. Pepper 3 grams, salt 7.5 grams, Shao liquor 20 grams onion 20 grams ginger 15 grams, 2 grams of MSG, sesame oil 15 grams.

Production process

Lamb with pepper, salt, rice wine, ginger rub wipe, marinate 6 hours, then water the pot boil for a short water wash.

Slaughter rule will net the fish, the fish on the surface side of Ji took knives, watershed clean water pot, cast salt and rice wine.

Lamb cut open from the side of a knife, into the possession of the fish.

Pot, add water, salt, rice wine, ginger, pepper, simmer to boiling after the shift lamb Sulan, MSG, sesame oil poured Serve.

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