Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sichuan recipes | duck Taibai

Ingredients: fat duck (1500 grams).

Ingredients: 100 grams of pork, medlar 25 grams, 37 15 grams.

Seasoning: Aged rice wine 200 grams, scallion 50 grams, ginger 15 grams, 5 grams of salt pepper 1 gram.

Production process

1 Wash the duck cut open, boil for a short little pot out into the water, wash away the bloody fish out of water, squeeze dry Taibai duck in water, chopping off the duck legs. With rice wine, salt, pepper the duck inside and outside spread your body, pour into steam inside, add onions, ginger, wine, soup (a little), wolfberry fruit, Panax, a mouth filled with parchment seal.

2, the retort into the cage, steamed, stir about 3 hours to restrict bad, out, thrown off parchment, to pick scallion, ginger, the duck can be poured into a dish.

Production of key

1 If the first duck tasty pickled, and then the cage and then steaming, flavor is a plus.

2 sauce to use advanced blending soup, soup at the second use, the first duck with steamed soup 500 grams, the second into the soup, 1,000 grams.

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