Sunday, November 27, 2011

Autumn soup | soup which fall regimen

Two-bean soup, pork chops lily
Ingredients: 454 g pork chops, green beans 30 grams, 30 grams red bean, lily 30 grams
Production: red bean first soaked in water, stew about half an hour, then under the lily and the pork chops to pork chops can be cooked. From time to salt.
Effect: Yin and lungs, Ze skin beauty.

Lily lotus rice soup drugs
[Material]: lily, lotus 15 grams of rice, yam, 150 grams, 500 grams pork spine, spices amount.
[Production]: the pig wash, chop block; yam, peeled, washed, cut, put the pot, add some water away from the bone after rotten meat stew, salt, monosodium glutamate transfer service.
[Effect]: Can Yin Yun dirty, pure heart and soothe the nerves.

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