Sunday, November 20, 2011

Slices Recipe | double fly burst string


Breast of chicken, duck breast meat, 200 grams, green beans, the amount of parsley, 1 egg, onion paragraph 1, 2 slices ginger seasoning salt, chicken, pepper, a little


1 breast of chicken and duck breast meat, wash and drain the water, cut crosswise knife, add a little pepper, chicken and salted moment.

2, the pot boil water, marinated slice dried meat into the boiling water, boil hot to remove and drain after the color that is caught with egg white liquid absorbed; green beans into the boiling water to the beany flavor.

3, from the pan, under the green beans and onions, fried ginger, into the chest Rouchao until cooked dish when picked spring onion, ginger add parsley seasoning.

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